Naturally, a lot of what is contained in this book is rather gruesome.
But what happened is gruesome.
Warning: If you don't want to read about it, skip to some of the other posts.
Here are a few quotes from the book:
About the atrocities in Srebrenica
"People in wheelchairs were burned alive in their homes." Pg. 24
There was a long line of men that tried marching from Srebrenica to Tuzla.
The Serbian army tried luring men out of the line and then convincing them to go back to the line and lure other men out. This is what happened to one man:
"When he rejoined his compatriots, they saw what the Serbs had done to him: one of his eyes was gouged out, his ears were cut off, and an (Orthodox) cross was carved into his forehead." Pg. 33
But not all of the soldiers fighting for the Serbs were on board with the idea of mass killing.
"A participant in the killings, Drazen Erdemovic, who confessed to killing at least 70 Bosnian Muslim males, was a member of the 10th Sabotage Detachment of the Bosnian Serb Army. Erdemovic, who was 23 years old in 1995, was a Bosnian Croat who had joined the Bosnian Serb Army. He was an unwilling killer, an involuntary accomplish to mass murder. At first he refused to execute prisoners; he was told either do so or hand his weapon to his colleagues and join the line of men waiting to be shot." Pg. 40
"When some of the soldiers recognized acquaintances from Srebrenica, they beat and humiliated them before killing them. Erdemovic had to persuade his fellow soliders to stop using a belt-fed machine gun for the killings, for while it mortally wounded the prisoners, it did not cause death immediately and prolonged their suffering." Pg. 40
After the Serbs killed over 7,000 people in a few days, they tried to hide what they did by burying the bodies in mass graves. Then further trying to hide the evidence, they dug up the bodies, put them in trucks, and buried them in new graves. You can only imagine what kind of a smell that would bring with it.
"Witnesses living in Bratunac described the "incredible stench" of the lorries passing through the streets in the summer night, and some children reported finding, the morning after, some legs that had fallen off the trucks during the nights as they passed through the town." Pg. 54
"Foreign military and habitation personnel arriving and working in Bosnia were often surprised and appalled, at all stages of the war, at how badly all sides could behave toward each other. They were also astonished at the corrupt and selfish behavior of so many of the local political leaders, something large segments of the population seemed prepared to tolerate." Pg. 62
Thank you, Tito, for the mental preparation to allow the local population to handle government corruption.
I plan to learn about Tito next.
I'm also incredibly curious to understand the mental conditioning that happens to lay the foundation for genocide. When you live in a civilized society, it seems so outlandish that anyone would behave this way, yet all this happened in my life time.
"Somehow, in the developmental apocalypse of post-war Bosnia, there was no mass vengeance, no incidents of Bosnian Muslims, for example, taking large scale revenge on the Serbs." Pg. 62
"In September 1996, the first general elections for the country's tri-ethnic, three-person rotating presidency were held since the war, and 2.5 million votes were cast." Pg. 62\
I find the science, and the development of this science amazing. With that said, this would likely be my reaction if I ever had to go experience it myself:
"The pungent smell of decay and death, the body bags, and the hundreds of bodies provide too much for some. At the Tuzla mortuary, a hard-bitten television cameraman who'd seen the worswar just went white, started sweating, and went outside. A journalist walked into the mortuary, took one look and fainted, unconscious before she nearly hit the floor. (Fortunately, an ICMP staffer caught her.) An A-list international film actor, in Bosnian to research a role, almost vomited when a body bag's contents were shown to him." Pg. 192
The process of solving this complex forensic puzzle was not an easy one.
There were limited funds in Bosnia, and they were pioneering the use of DNA samples to identify dead bodies. Rather than using clothing, dental records as the starting point, they used DNA.
I had never thought about this before, but people switched clothes, family members couldn't always remember as perfectly as they though they could what their loved ones were wearing when they died. At one point there was screaming match between two families about who the clothing of a deceased person belonged to. So they learned that DNA was the more reliable starting point.
They obtained DNA samples from living relatives, started organizations of living relatives so they could create lists of missing persons, dug up the bodies which were very decayed, created inventories of the bones, were meticulous about their chain of possession records so what they obtained could later be used for trials. They used skills from multiple sources: forensics, archeology, detective work.
But there were obstacles:
"One of the largest collection operations in America took place in St. Louis, Missouri" Pg. 126
" one point bodies had to be stored in the Clinical Centre in Tuzla, where the staff, not surprisingly, horrified by the appalling smell, threatened to go on strike. In due course, somewhere else was found as a storage area for the thousands of body parts being exhumed from the Srebrenica mass graves: the salt mines in Tuzla." Pg. 91
But eventually rats got into the salt mines and started eating the bodies, so they started the world's first "super mortuary," a building large enough to hold the different remains of hundreds of bodies was built in the parking lot of a funeral home in Tuzla." Pg. 92
"So, in the very early days, when funds were tight, instead of an expensive medical-grade machine that would stir the DNA samples as they were going through a process of DNA extraction, the ICMP team adapted a chicken rotisserie bought from a local Bosnian market for $150.00." pg. 130
"Extractor fan technology for laboratories was very expensive but was substantially similar to technology used to extract toxic air from coal mines, again, as used in Tuzla. Their forensic staff proved extremely innovative in fining new and less expensive ways of doing things very well." Pg. 130
Through their meticulous work, they were able to obtain substantial evidence later used to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Of one of the war criminals at his trial at The Hague in May of 2012 (only 4 years ago as of the writing of this blog entry):
"The packed public gallery was full of Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa. As the defendant looked over at them, one of them reportedly extended her middle finger at him. He smirked and drew a finger across his throat in an unmistakable gesture. Repentance was not on Mladic's agenda." Pg. 207
"The appearance of the ICMP's forensic evidence in court in The Hague was not just going to be the last part of the forensic science puzzle it was going to be the convincing proof that methodically and properly deployed scientific technique could judicially triumph. Scientific truth, and by extension justice, could triumph over hearsay, rumor, conspiracy theory, the fallibilities of human evidence - memory, visual recollection - lying, and planned deceit." Pg. 213
This quote is important because truth and accountability are very important.
Serbian propaganda had always denied that any war crimes were committed in Srebrenica, until there was pressure from the EU.
"Their carrot was hundreds of millions of euros of EU accession funding, and their stick was the economic isolation that would follow if such funding and other development aid to the country were cut off." Pg. 151
As a tangent here, just as the Serbs were able to get the unity of Sarajevo to crack under pressure from external sources, we see here pressure external to Serbia also cracked their unity in protecting their war heros and turning them over.
People and communities have a tendency to create and believe in the truth they want to believe in. Through rigorous science combined with the judicial system, they were able to indict 161 high politicians and military personnel, with no inductee remaining at large.
This was a tremendous accomplishment.